
Disclosure log 2015


​​​​​Our disclosure log contains information about applications made under the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) to the department.

Some documents may have details removed, or pages that are blank, because the information is either irrelevant or exempt under the RTI Act.

There may be documents that are currently only available in.pdf format. Should you be unable to read this format please email (include information for contact by phone, email or in writing). We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, free of charge.

Disclosure number​340/5/3463
Date of application20/01/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning a complaint made by the applicant.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3467
Date of application06/02/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning the applicant's employment.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3472
Date of application17/02/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning the 2014 tender process regarding the provision of outside school hours care services for five schools.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3475
Date of application23/02/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning suspensions and exclusions in 2013 and 2014.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3481
Date of application01/03/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning the education of a student.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3495
Date of application9/03/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the total 2015 enrolments for each state school.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn and documents released administratively). No publication requirement applies.
Administratively released documents may be requested by writing to:
Manager, Information Release
Legal and Administrative Law Branch
PO Box 15033
City East Qld 4002
Or sending an email to
Disclosure number340/5/3496
Date of application9/03/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to maintenance works to be undertaken at all state schools.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn and documents released administratively). No publication requirement applies.
Administratively released documents may be requested by writing to:
Manager, Information Release
Legal and Administrative Law Branch
PO Box 15033
City East Qld 4002
Or sending an email to
Disclosure number340/5/3503
Date of application12/03/2015
Details of information requestedInformation relating to investigations into alleged breaches of the NAPLAN assessment rules.
ApplicantSeven Network
Outcome of application / Documents released Document released under 340-5-3503 (PDF, 4MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3504
Date of application13/03/2015
Details of information requestedStatistical information concerning Teacher Aide positions within the South East Region.
ApplicantWoolworths Limited
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340-5-3504 (PDF, 4.4MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3512
Date of application23/03/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning the education of a student.
ApplicantNRMA Insurance
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published to disclosure log pursuant to section 78B(2)(c) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3522
Date of application2/04/2015
Details of information requested

Documents relating to:

  1. Briefing Note entitled - Management information required to be provided to the Minister as at April 2013
  2. The valuation and sale of the former Brisbane School of Distance Education lots
  3. The Departmental review of TAFE sites
  4. The leasing and/or sale of the Ithaca TAFE site.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application deemed to be withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3523
Date of application02/04/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning a complaint made by the applicant.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3524
Date of application07/04/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments held by the Electrical Safety Office in relation to Infinity Cable.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3525
Date of application07/04/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the findings by the Queensland Audit Office contained in Report 12: 2014-15 - Oversight of recurrent grants to non-state schools.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3528
Date of application13/04/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning a school council election.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published to disclosure log pursuant to section 78B(2)(c) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published to disclosure log pursuant to section 78B(2)(c) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3531
Date of application16/04/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the Helensvale SHS Year 7 Addition Project.
ApplicantAlder Constructions
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published to disclosure log pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3533
Date of application17/04/2015
Details of information requested

Documents disclosing:

  1. the number of students currently enrolled at each Queensland State School (including P-10, P-12 and special education facilities run in conjunction with a State School or as a stand-alone facility) who nominated a religion/faith group at the time of enrolment, broken down by faith group/religion;
  2. the number of students currently enrolled at each Queensland State School (including P-10, P-12 and special education facilities run in conjunction with a State School or as a stand-alone facility)who did not nominate any faith group/religion at the time of enrolment; and
  3. the state-wide breakdown by religion.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340/2/3533 (PDF, 426KB)
Disclosure number340/5/3539
Date of application13/05/2015
Details of information requested

1.      Briefing notes relating to mainstream schools that were received by the Office of the Minister and/or the Office of the Director-General between 1 January 2013 and 23 April 2015, concerning:

  • Cuts to special education funding and/or services
  • The closure of Special Education Programs or Units
  • Allegations regarding schools receiving funding to provide special education services despite no longer providing the special education services and
  • Recommendations or proposals in relation to the management of students with autism.

2.      Crisis incident notifications received by the Office of the Director-General between 1 January 2013 and 23 April 2015 which contain the words autism or autistic.

ApplicantSeven Network
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340-5-3539 (PDF, 11MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3542
Date of application30/04/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to an historical inquest.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 788(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340-5-3542 (PDF, 88KB)
Disclosure number340/5/3550
Date of application11/05/2015
Details of information requestedData concerning ASD diagnosis organised by month of birth and postcode.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents released

Finalised (Application withdrawn and documents released administratively). No publication requirement applies.

Administratively released documents may be requested by writing to:

Manager, Information Release
Legal and Administrative Law Branch
PO Box 15033
City East Qld 4002

Or sending an email to

Disclosure number340/5/3551
Date of application14/05/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments held in relation to a procurement process for school uniforms.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3554
Date of application18/05/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the evaluation of, and decisions to award various tenders.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedDocuments may be requested by writing to:

Manager, Information Release
Legal and Administrative Law Branch
PO Box 15033
City East Qld 4002
Or by sending an email to
Disclosure number340/5/3558
Date of application26/05/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created between 26 May 2014 and 26 May 2015 containing information about the implementation and progress of the Flying Start program.
ApplicantAustralian Broadcasting Corporation.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3559
Date of application19/06/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning the education of a student.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3560
Date of application27/05/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created between 1 January 2012 and 27 May 2015 showing any review, evaluation or assessment of the numeracy and/or literacy of teachers, particularly of new graduate teachers.
ApplicantAustralian Broadcasting Corporation.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3561
Date of application27/05/2015
Details of information requested

Documents showing:

  1. the number of teachers found not to be in possession of a valid Blue Card;
  2. in relation to (a), how many days following that discovery the teacher was allowed to continue to teach students;
  3. any audits of blue cards among teachers.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3562
Date of application27/05/2015
Details of information requestedAll correspondence between the Queensland Teachers Union and the Minister for Education since January 31, 2015.
ApplicantAustralian Broadcasting Corporation
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340/5/3562 (PDF, 21MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3563
Date of application28/05/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to a Department issued mobile phone.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application deemed to be withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3573
Date of application10/06/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created between 1 February 2015 and 10 June 2015 advising on how to improve and/or retain union access to Government and private sector workplaces.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3581
Date of application18/06/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the provision of school uniforms at Corinda State High School.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Access refused to all documents). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3582
Date of application18/06/2015
Details of information requested

List of staff and their position titles employed at:

  • Woodridge SHS in 2001, 2002, 2003 and
  • Windaroo Valley SHS in 2004, 2005, 2006.
ApplicantMay Leon
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340/5/3582 (PDF, 747KB)
Disclosure number340/5/3583
Date of application18/06/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments showing the funds raised by Corinda SHS's health and physical education department in 2013 and 2014 from fundraising activities.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Access refused to all documents). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3584
Date of application18/06/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments showing the costs incurred by Corinda SHS to hold the 2014 Speech Night.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Access refused to all documents). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3591
Date of application29/06/2015
Details of information requested

Documents created between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2014 containing information in relation to any workshops and meetings hosted by a Professor while engaged by the Department of Education and Training to assist with the formation of the Equity and Inclusion strategy in Queensland, including:

  • dates and places of workshops
  • addressees
  • workshops materials and
  • invitation and hosting details.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents released

Documents released under 340/5/3591

File A (PDF, 917KB)

File B (PDF, 8.4MB)

File C (PDF, 3.4MB)

Disclosure number340/5/3592
Date of application30/06/2015
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to:

  • information and documents relating to student suspensions and/or exclusions from Queensland State Schools for use or alleged use of a weapon between 1 January 2014 and 30 June 2015 and
  • documents created between 1 January 2014 and 30 June 2015 relating to the level of violence in Queensland State Schools.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3603
Date of application20/07/2015
Details of information requested

Documents held in relation to the Department's Religious Instruction Policy that was implemented in 2014, specifically:

  1. The policy statement(s) that were circulated to the various stakeholders as part of a consultation process
  2. The submissions received from all stakeholders in response to consultation; and
  3. Any summary that was prepared of the submissions/feedback received from the various stakeholders.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number340/5/3608
Date of application24/07/2015
Details of information requested

The following documents held by or originating from State Schools division of the Department created between 1 January 2012 and 24 July 2015:

  1. all documents relating to the use of aversion tactics to control the behaviour of students with ASD in Queensland State Schools; and
  2. briefing notes (including attachments) and/or investigation reports/summaries relating to substantiated or ongoing cases of discrimination against students with ASD in Queensland State Schools.
ApplicantSeven Network
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3613
Date of application29/07/2015
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to the following documents created between 1 January 2014 to 29 July 2015 in relation to any purchase of new 'specialised' equipment and furniture for all Queensland Special Schools:

  1. the approval of purchase by the respective Regional Office and
  2. briefing notes (including attachments) in relation to any request for the purchase of new specialised equipment and furniture at all Queensland Special schools.
ApplicantSeven Network
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340-5-3613 (PDF, 14MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3614
Date of application28/07/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the applicant's education.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3618
Date of application04/08/2015
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to the following documents created between 1 January 2014 to 04 August 2015 concerning the changes to the OneSchool reporting system:

  1. Any report revealing any system failure or coding error in the OneSchool system about the reporting of child abuse to the police; and
  2. any briefing notes (including attachments) sent to the Director General in relation to any system failure of the OneSchool reporting system.
ApplicantSeven Network
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340-5-3618 (PDF, 1.8MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3619
Date of application03/08/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments and/or records which detail the number of visitations and overnight stays at the Runaway Bay Sport and Leadership Excellence Centre between the dates of 01 October 2010 and 30 November 2011.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3620
Date of application03/08/2015
Details of information requestedAll staffing allocation models and profiles for all 26 Outdoor Environmental and Education Centres relevant to the period 2011-2014 (inclusive)
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3621
Date of application03/08/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created between 01 October 2010 to 31 December 2012 in relation to any Unit Support Officer positions at the Runaway Bay Sport and Leadership Excellence Centre
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3622
Date of application03/08/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments which detail the staff (permanent, temporary and casual) allocation figures and staff position classifications at each of the 26 Outdoor Environmental and Education Centres, between 01 October 2010 to 30 July 2015
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3623
Date of application10/08/2015
Details of information requestedReports, assessments, analysis and/or briefings on the impact of changes to penalty rates on the hospitality, retail and/or tourism sectors in Queensland since January 1, 2014. For example, the Productivity Commission delivered a draft report on August 4, 2015, which recommended "Sunday penalty rates for cafes, hospitality, entertainment, restaurants and retailing should be aligned with Saturday rates".
ApplicantAustralian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (transferred to Queensland Treasury). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3624
Date of application11/08/2015
Details of information requested

The following documents created between 01 September 2014 and 31 July 2015:

  1. All departmental and ministerial briefing notes concerning the implementation and effectiveness of the reporting system of child abuse, implemented in January 22 and used through the OneSchool system; and
  2. Any communication and correspondence between Principals / Regional Staff and Central Office (State Schools and Corporate Services Units) in relation to the implementation and effectiveness of the reporting system of child abuse.
ApplicantQueensland Newspapers Pty Ltd (The Sunday Mail)
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3632
Date of application22/09/2015
Details of information requested

1. Documents created since 1 March 2007 in relation to:

  • Any reported incidents or injuries sustained in respect to collisions with posts on basketball courts
  • Complaints received regarding the failure to use padding on basketball court posts; and
  • Risk assessments conducted in response to such incidents or complaints.

    2. Any Policies or Procedures in force at, or created since 1 March 2010, in relation to the:
  • Use of padding on basketball court posts in Queensland State Schools; and
  • Supervision of students playing on basketball courts during scheduled break times.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340/5/3632 (PDF, 51MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3633
Date of application21/08/2015
Details of information requested

The following documents created between 22 January 2015 to 20 August 2015: Any departmental and ministerial briefing notes in relation to the OneSchool student protection reporting system failure; and

Any correspondence, email, internal memos and other written communication held by the department in relation to the OneSchool student protection reporting system failure.

ApplicantOffice of the Leader of the Opposition.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (refuse to deal) No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3635
Date of application24/08/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments held in relation to an apprenticeship undertaken by a third party.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3638
Date of application24/08/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning meetings held by the Treasurer and other parties.
ApplicantGreenpeace Australia Pacific
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (transferred to Queensland Treasury). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3640
Date of application26/08/2015
Details of information requestedThe applicant seeks access to documents relating to the employment of deceased relatives.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3642
Date of application31/08/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created between 1 August 2014 and 3 December 2014 concerning communications between and from staff at Corinda SHS regarding membership of and attendance at the Corinda SHS P&C.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3643
Date of application21/08/2015
Details of information requestedAll documents created between 22 January 2015 and 20 August 2015 held by the Office of the Minister in relation to the OneSchool Student Protection Reporting system failure including but not limited to any correspondence, emails, diary entries, internal memos, briefing notes and any other written correspondence.
ApplicantOffice of the Leader of the Opposition
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340-5-3643 (PDF, 6MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3644
Date of application21/10/2015
Details of information requestedAll documents created in August 2015 held by the Office of the Minister detailing who the Minister was scheduled to meet as part of the business observers program at the Queensland Labor State Conference in August, including diary entries, correspondence with the party and correspondence with the observers.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3647
Date of application10/09/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to an investigation into allegations made by the applicant.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published to disclosure log pursuant to section 78B(2)(c) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3652
Date of application07/09/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created between 1 June 2011 and 10 August 2015 relating to a registered training organisation.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (refusal to deal). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3657
Date of application26/08/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the education of a student.
ApplicantNRMA Insurance
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published to disclosure log pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3670
Date of application12/10/2015
Details of information requestedTotal money paid as training subsidies in last financial year to Face to Face Training Services Pty Ltd, Environment Training Australia and Better Choice Training (all PQS RTOs), in accordance with the Queensland Government (Dept of Education and Training) Queensland Training Subsidies List.
ApplicantNine Network
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340-5-3670 (PDF, 58KB)
Disclosure number340/5/3671
Date of application12/10/2015
Details of information requestedAll money paid by the Queensland Government to all Qld Registered Training Organisations under the Department of Education's Training Subsidies for the financial year 2014/15.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3673
Date of application28/10/2015
Details of information requested
  1. Documents relating to a decision to terminate a Pre-Qualified Supplier agreement for the delivery of the User Choice Program; and
  2. Documents relating to the decision to conduct an audit of a particular training services provider in relation to the User Choice Program.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies
Outcome of application / Documents released

No access was given as the applicant did not pay the outstanding processing charges within the access period.

However due to the nature of the information contained within the documents it would not be appropriate for the documents to be released to anyone else even if they were prepared to pay the outstanding charges.

Disclosure number340/5/3681
Date of application21/10/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created since 1 January 2013 relating to graduate teachers and any report/assessment/evaluation of their literacy and/or numeracy skills.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3682
Date of application21/10/2015
Details of information requestedAll Hot Issue Briefs (including attachments) created between 1 July 2015 and 21 October 2015.
ApplicantSeven Network
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 304/5/3682 (PDF, 6.4MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3683
Date of application21/10/2015
Details of information requested

The following documents created between 1 January 2013 and 21 October 2015:
(a) All Ministerial and Director-General briefing notes (including attachments) relating to:

  • the Cooler Schools Program; and
  • complaints/reports of heat stress and/or heat-related injuries relating to schools without air-conditioning; and

(b) complaints/reports of heat stress and/or heat-related injuries relating to schools without air-conditioning held by Infrastructure Services Branch.

ApplicantNo publication requirement applies
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement
Disclosure number340/5/3686
Date of application27/11/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the education of a student
ApplicantSuncorp Insurance
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3687
Date of application17/11/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the education of a student.
ApplicantSuncorp Insurance
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3688
Date of application28/10/2015
Details of information requestedAll correspondence (including but not limited to all emails, memos, letters, briefing notes and reports) created between 1 July and 27 October 2015 within the Minister's office relating to the Member for Cook and/or the Cook Electorate Office.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3690
Date of application28/10/2015
Details of information requested

The number of student protection reports made through the OneSchool program broken down by postcode.

The number of student protection reports made through the OneSchool program which did not make it to Queensland Police broken down by postcode.

Date range: 28 January 2015 - 30 July 2015

ApplicantAPN Australian Regional Media
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340/5/3690 (PDF, 89KB)
Disclosure number340/5/3699
Date of application5/11/2015
Details of information requested

A report produced from the RESOLVE case management system that captures the following details held in relation to matters received by the Department between 1 January 2014 and 30 September 2015 concerning allegations and/or charges of child sex, child exploitation and/or sexualised conduct involving children, in relation to the conduct of teachers and other school staff. Specifically the:

  • Registered date;
  • The name, gender and position of the accused/respondent;
  • The school and region of the accused;
  • Category and particulars (Category of charge/allegations and any sub-categories)
  • Allegation(s);
  • Incident summary;
  • Queensland Police, Crime and Corruption Commission and/or Queensland College of Teachers involvement;
  • Current status;
  • Findings;
  • Outcome; and
  • Date the matter was finalised.
ApplicantNews Queensland
Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 340/5/3699 (PDF, 3.4MB)
Disclosure number340/5/3701
Date of application23/11/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning the applicant's employment.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3702
Date of application07/12/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the education of a student.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3705
Date of application20/11/2015
Details of information requested

The following documents created between 30 October and 14 November 2015 in relation to the hacking of the Department of Education and TAFE systems:

  • all departmental and ministerial briefing notes drafted by Corporate Services and State Schools; and
  • all correspondence sent from the Office of the Deputy Director-General State Schools to regional directors.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3711
Date of application4/12/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments concerning the education of the applicant's child.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3720
Date of application26/11/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments held by the former Ministers Office in relation to Brisbane Christian College.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3721
Date of application30/11/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the decision to hold the Red Hill Markets at Ithaca Creek State School.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3724
Date of application30/11/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments relating to the applicant's employment.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3729
Date of application14/12/2015
Details of information requested

Documents providing:

  1. The details of the exact times and dates specific entries were made into the applicant's son's Oneschool profile, along with which employee was within at the times the entries were made;
  2. Details of any substantiated complaints concerning the actions of two identified employees and any subsequent discipline action taken; and
  3. The qualifications held by two identified employees.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number340/5/3733
Date of application14/12/2015
Details of information requestedEmail received by the Office of the Minister for Education
ApplicantJon Kent
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3734
Date of application10/12/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments dated between 1 December 2013 and 31 May 2014 that relate in any way to contaminated soils at Helensvale State High School, including (but not limited to) the extent of the contaminated soils, the cost of the removal of contaminated soils, the assessment of the cost for the removal of contaminated soils and the work performed to remove contaminated soils.
ApplicantAlder Constructions
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published to disclosure log pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.
Disclosure number340/5/3737
Date of application18/12/2015
Details of information requestedDocuments created between 20 May 2014 and 6 August 2014 relating to the Corinda SHS P&C.
ApplicantNo publication requirement applies.
Outcome of application / Documents releasedNo publication requirement applies.



Last updated 15 May 2024